Jon Nielson MHSA, CFP®


The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another…

It’s funny the things you remember from your childhood.  When I was a kid Where the Wild Things Are was easily my favorite book.  Max puts on a wolf suit and roams his world meeting new and exciting monsters.  I view life much like Max when he says, “let the wild rumpus start.” And what a rumpus it has been 

I married a young co-ed named Susie and had three children, who then had four of the cutest monsters around. 

I’ve hiked (Timpanogos and Deseret Peak) and played a lot of tennis. Our team took first in Utah and 2nd in Sectionals this year, beating Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. 

Jon is always searching for a project. He loves to read and apply what he’s learned.  In 1999, before YouTube, Jon read every construction book he could find and then built his own home. Working nights and weekends and it only took six months from digging the foundation to moving in. Since then, he’s added a sewing room (who knew you needed an entire room for sewing), a detached garage and a cabin (almost lost a toe to that one). 

Jon loves working with clients to build a successful retirement. 

ADV Part 2B